

The switch from being a "people-pleaser" to someone who has set boundaries, is heavy
And when its been your identity for nearly all your life, it borders on unthinkable
Where the need stems for pleasing others, I cannot pinpoint, but I often ask myself
Is it the fear of disappointing those close to me and with that, run the risk of losing them and having to build relations again?
Is it the need to belong somewhere, cause of the countless time I've been shunned, and was made to feel like an outsider?
Or is it the lack of affection I've often felt, by always being placed second in the lives of those I've always placed first
Society always makes as if setting boundaries is snapping your fingers and there you go, but if the only warmth you've felt from others was giving them what they need, then that is what you'll do
Because at the end of the day, we're all only human, and was never meant to be alone
I don't know if I'll ever truly escape this confinement, but it is something I wouldn't wish on anybody
I just hope that one day I will have the courage to step away from this lonesome pit
And for once, please my own inner self