

The person I loved most
Had gone to the 'uttermost'
His death left a scar
Made my heart a mar
Everything seemed dark
He left a mark
Even after years passed
I couldn't comprehend that he had passed
They made me shake hands with dismay
That very day
They broke the news that made my hopes sway
It caused me so much pain
I can liken the pain to rain
It enveloped me drop by drop
Honestly, I wished it would stop
Cos I was tired
Very tired
Of crying
Someone said I could find relief
Relief from my grief
But how?
The very thought made me say 'wow'!
She said I can find it in Jesus
Really? Where was he when I had come thus?
Does he even care?
If he did, why didn't He allow it not happen that year?
My Father died
That very day I cried
I still cry even now
Cos a great man did a bow
To a wicked fate
Death, which I so much hate
So, my people
Jesus made me new
He took away my grief
Step my step
He was my greatest help
After such a long while
I can finally smile
So please come to Him
I came to Him
And just like the hymn
'Be glad in the Lord and rejoice'
I made the right choice
Come to the one who can carry your burdens
Or aren't you weak and weary of the heavy ladens?
Let me tell you about my new buoy
It is joy!
Grief may last for a period of time
But Jesus is there ALL the time
Please my friend
Come to Jesus and let grief end
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