

No Armageddon Today
Drudgery, incompetence,
Our latest flaws.
And yet, we're fine.
Ain't breaking no laws!

Narcissism, and cheap pride.
Our new sins.
The old gods are gone,
And there's no one to cleanse...

Corruption is infinite,
Of mind and reality.
An excepted fact,
Of us and our banality.

Cancerous beings.
A self made portrayal.
Annihilation is welcomed.
A self made betrayal.

A different mind is needed.
For mind is reality.
Better reality be concocted,
And escape our banality.

Strive for an ideal,
Be it perfection.
Let's remake our fates.
Let's rewrite armageddon.

Let's escape these shells.
For to a better today we excel.