

It's raining,,, It's raining 🌧️🌨️☁️🌩️

It would be wet seasons
The air would be harsh
On the nook of the main thoroughfare
Someone does seem to be hanging
I stopped the car
Said the wind conditions does seem to be shabby
She said bashfully
No Thanks
In a present
The subway car would then show up
Anyone who saw
There will also be libel and slander
You on your sense
Just pokémon down fast
to my big worry
Just let it go

I was a little bewildered
He exited the car
The window must have been clear
At that time, the subway car brought to a front
She rouged somewhat and stepped back

I felt a strong surprise
Just kept looking at her
She kept moving towards the ride
My breath just ceased

SHe turned around and could see me
SHe tried to throw an direction in my retinal like that though
Then slooooowly she began laughing
She kept moving toward to me

I must've been hanging perplexed
That I have seen
She must' ve been sighing riding in the car
Happiness has been dazzling in her eyelids

It must've been monsoon rains
The air currents would be harsh
On the nook of the main road
Who has been hanging?

© princess haya