

A Glimpse of Time.
After eight long months, a sight so rare,
I glimpsed her shoes, a memory to share.
Blue top and black jeans, a silhouette so fine,
Her presence ignited feelings, once benign.

Her shoes, a clue from days of old,
A tale of memories gently told,
Recognition sparked within my heart,
As time rewound, a brand new start.

In hues of blue and shadows deep,
A reunion cherished, secrets keep,
The joy of seeing her once more,
A treasure found on life's grand shore.

Her essence stirred a restlessness deep,
A longing awakened from its quite sleep.
In her gaze, a story untold,
A tale of emotions, struggles unfold.

Amidst the colors, a hidden pain,
A hint that happiness might wane.
Her smile masked a world unseen,
A turbulence beneath her serene.

Yet hope remains, a guiding light,
To ease her burden, make things right.
For in her gaze, a chance to mend,
A journey toward happiness, we'll tend.
© nov_of_heart