

Inside her mind
She floats like a dream,
Before she sinks under,
Carrying in her folds,
The dying cries of the soldiers.

Her silk sails, once full of pride,
Now heavy with the weight inside,
The memories of battles fought,
The screams that echoed, the lives caught...

In her dark, mysterious hold,
The ghosts of war, forever cold,
Their stories, secrets, and their pain,
Entombed in her watery reign...

She glides, a phantom of the deep,
A funeral pyre, a grave to keep,
The remnants of a conflict's toll,
A monument to lives lost at sea...

In this dark, eerie, underwater shrine,
The echoes of war will forever entwine,
A haunting testament to the past,
A grave, a memorial, forever to last.
© Santanu