

I still love you
In the depth of our love, I still believe
Though we parted ways, my heart won't deceive
Thoughts of you linger, day and night
I long for your warmth, your touch, your light

In the movie theater, I held you tight
Your lips, so tender, a memory I'll keep right
May I still call you sweetie, my love divine?
For you are a beauty, a treasure so fine

We should sing together, in silhouette
Your voice, so sweet, with no regret
But I'm torn, unsure of my own heart's desire
Not yet ready to commit, to quench love's fire

I want to be there for you, day and night
But we're young, prone to mistakes that ignite
I wish I could feign indifference, not care at all
But your pain and tears, I can't let them fall

Letting you go was not an easy plight
Each reply delayed, my emotions take flight
I'm sorry, my love, for causing you pain
But know that my feelings for you remain

You were my first, my girl, my best friend
But hidden lies and secrets, we couldn't transcend
Your father's disapproval, a weight to bear
Hiding and deceiving, a love affair unfair

I couldn't bear the thought of hurting you
For in time, the pain would surely accrue
And though there may be no cure in sight
Perhaps with God, you'll find strength and light

I love you for who you truly are
My sun in the morning, my guiding star
The sun rises and sets, the moon appears
And my love for you, through all time, endears

So believe me when I say, without a doubt
My love for you is real, no need to pout
In the depths of my soul, it holds true
I love you, my dear, I truly do

© Tashy