


A rose flower made up
of flexible thorns
sprout upon the stem,
Flower receives the honey
from the bee at
every morning and night.
Role of this rose flower
is to be a good garderner,
Who should take care of
the garden contains white diamonds.
This garderner spreads her
honey all over the diamonds,
through their thorns even into
the all cavities between the diamonds.
This garderner disperses the fragrance
to the all corners of garden
with the help of honey.
Another power of honey
removes the weeds which
can destroy the prosperity of diamonds.
Gardener has to maintain the
Shining, health and strength
of the all diamonds in the garden.


Garden - mouth
Gardener - toothbrush - rose flower with stem
Honey - toothpaste
Weeds. - germs
Diamond - teeth
Bee. - human
