

What love could have been greater than hers,
and in what way would it have been greater?
I suppose her type of love does not exist.

I adored her, tripping and falling innumerable times
while singing her name to the heavens like an early morning prayer.

She was far too good for me,
so I had to admire her from afar,
always leaving my mouth agape at what a stunning work of art she is.

Despite the fact that I saw myself being rejected by her,
I took the risk,
but she changed the narrative.

She accepted me completely with all of my flaws,
and the words "I Love You" sounded different when she said them.

That's when I realized she was made for me and that I am worthy of her love.

what manner of love is this?
A question I can't seem to find answers to...
for she accepted me way more than I accepted myself.
© Asiat Adeleke