

My Mind...Part 2
My mind is a mess that I can't escape
A place to think about the good and the bad
But mostly the bad
There's not that many good things in my life

My mind is a place of realisation
Realisation that I'm not good enough
Realisation that I'll never be good enough
Realisation that I will never be the perfect daughter
That I'll never be able to live up to society's expectations
But is that really a bad thing?

My mind is a place of hope
Hope that will always be crushed
Hope for better life
Hope that I'll never be excited over
Hope that turns into negativity, a deadly poison

My mind is place of unanswered questions
Will I make a difference in the world?
Will I succeed?
What am I going to do in the future?
Where will I be in ten years?
Who will I be in ten years?
And most importantly

My mind is a place of thinking
I think about how the world would be without me
I think of the inequality in the world
And I think about my identity
Who Am I?

My mind is a canvas
My thoughts are my paints
My canvas is black and white
No grey areas
No bright areas
Just dull and void
Feelings of agony

This is an expression
Not an impression
If that's how you felt, it was not my intention
Forget the misinterpretation
And give me your full attention

My mind is home to my imagination
Wild thoughts
Crazy dreams
Magnificent schemes

My mind will be a place of self-discovery
My unanswered questions
Will be answered through my actions
Seen by those curious eyes

#self-expression #life #growing #lost #me #findingmyself