

Wrapped hope
In a blink of an eye
In twinkle of a star
When kisses turn to fleeting pecks
Feelings being foreign
Strangers to our true selves
Panic and anxiety embracing you
Hugging you like a second skin
Clinging tightly to your body,as though it's life depended on you
Sorry loosing it's meaning
Interest being a rare gem
Eyes glistening with raw unshed tears
Still aware emotions ain't supposed to be let out through tears
As they make no sense before judgemental eyes of humans
They are simply written down on a piece of paper as a poem
For their aunthetity
Their rawness,their sincereness
Like a precious porcelain doll
Are they supposed to be handled
Tears brimming our eyes
Promising a better tomorrow
Prophesying it has never been over
Tempted to lay down my pride for a second and break down
With no damn care nor fear
But then my pride being on the line
Dilemma sweet enough to leave me restless
Restless with no peace of mind
Yet assuring myself daily all is well
Pain will be gone before I know it,
Joy will come in the morning
It's dawn,morning is close
All is gonna be well.