

The quandary of existence
Caught in a quandary of existential distress,
I grapple with the temptation of escape,
Versus the enduring bonds of love and familial ties,
That beckon me to persevere through life's tribulations.

The siren's call of self-annihilation whispers sweet release,
A respite from the anguish that besets my soul,
Yet, the tenacity of purpose and dreams unrealized,
Urge me to hold fast, to weather the tempest's toll.

Fatigued by the relentless struggle, I teeter on the brink,
Haunted by the specter of defeat, and the label that would sink,
My aspirations, and the very essence of my being,
Into the abyss of despair, where hope's light ceases shining.

Still, I seek a way to break free from this prison of pain,
To find solace, and rediscover life's meaning, and love's sweet refrain.

© Bishal kalita