

I'm happy
Yes! I'm happy
when you pulled all strings to slay
out me from your uterus
Yeah! I'm pleased
when I don't have a right to enter this world
Yes! I'm suavity
when you don't give chance me to explore this beautiful Earth

Yeah! I'm happy
when you don't afford an education I deserve
Yes! I'm delice
when you add bags of dowry
Yeah! I'm enjoying
when a man marries me for your dowry and wealth
but he doesn't for who am I

Yes! I'm comfortable
when you term me as impure
when I pass through harmonal and biological process in my flesh
Yes! I'm epicurean
when you don't accept who am I.

Yeah! I'm cheering
when you prison me in our home
Yes! I'm delighted
when you don't allow me to explore this wonderful world
Yeah! I'm joyful
when you restrict me due to the evils of the world

Yes! I'm glad
when you never permit to share my voice
Yeah! I'm jocund
when you command to wrap me most more
Yes! I'm blissful
when you glare me when someone stare at me.

Yeah! I'm enravishing
when I gave up my career to care your clan.
Yes! I'm beatificial
when I and Male friends work in a same organisation and same work but I was less paid.

Yep! I'm blessed
when my sacrifices don't matter you
Yeah! I'm felicific
when you disrespect me
Yes! I'm jeu
when you devalue me.

Yeah! I'm jovial
when you dominate me.
Yes! I'm delect
when you snatch my freedom.
Yep! I'm mirth
when the Earth isn't safe for me.

Yes! I'm relish
cause 364 days in a year you celebrate me by your acts.
Yeah! I'm merry today
Because of your wish

© Judah Christo