

Cherish Your Memories
Remarkable was the day of your birth,
Remarkable was your childhood,
And the years that followed too soon,
Remember your journey one last time,
Before you close your eyes...

Remember the flashbacks,
When you used to be so young and innocent
So carefree yet so naughty.
Images of little you,
Laughing at the sound,
of your mom's voice,
cheering you up when you felt down.

That feeling,
of your Mom putting you to bed
with so much love and kindness.
Yet again kissing you goodnight,
to make you feel safe.

Crying for toys in shopping malls
and dreaming of Disney world.
Those were the days
when nothing mattered,
'Cause simply living in the moment was enough.

As days turned into nights,
and nights into mornings.
So has the years gone.

Everything became a lot harder
Yet more different then the old days.
Now you wonder why,
but in that very moment
you also think of all the beauty,
that life offered you
and you feel gracefully happy to be alive.

So embrace the changes,
Appreciate all your ups and downs,
Your pains, sorrows and blessings.
Because they're all connected

And when your time has finally come,
to departure from this world,
You'll be ready,
'Cause you've lived to cherish your memories every single day.

© Foibe N Paavo