

Cry Cry A Child


What a happy family, but darkness hides behind.
Oh, father and mother, why so unkind?
I’ve tried and tried, yet you never see my best—
You only notice when I stumble, when I rest.

You tell me you love me, but why does it sting?
You call me spoiled, though I’ve never asked for a thing.
You say I’m lazy, though I push until I break,
Trying to prove my worth, though my heart aches.

All you see is weakness, all you say is "lazy."
Oh, father and mother, why can’t you see?
I’m just a child, not asking for much,
Only for your love, your warmth, your touch.

I want to make you proud, to see you smile.
But all I hear is disappointment, all the while.
You lift others up, you clap for them loud,
But for me? Silence, no pride allowed.

Why do you compare me to children who aren’t yours?
They have their own lives, their own open doors.
I am your child, craving your gaze,
But you refuse to see me, lost in a daze.

I try to be what you want, though I’m not sure who that is,
I bend and I break, yet you call it a miss.
You want perfection, or something I can’t be,
But can’t you see I’m just asking to be me?

I watch your joy for others, feel your distance with me,
I’m left in the shadows, longing to be free.
I am not another child, I am your own,
Yet you make me feel I’m always alone.

So why, oh why, do you refuse to see?
That all I’ve ever needed was your love for me.
Not for what I do, or what I pretend to be,
But simply as your child, who longs to be free.

(a child who seeks for there perants approval)