


Filtering rays of sunshine,
Brighten up my day,
My heart swells with hope and pride,
Keen for the glories coming my way...
I felt i was never alone,
I had dream of what i was to become,
My heart beats in hurry of my dreams and glories to be acheived,
I think its high time i succeeded...
I was happy for who i am,"why"...??, Because i put in the best version of me in all things...
No matter how life goes hard,i strive hard to get my needs...
My dreams are always happy for what i have become is so near to my dreams...
I never search wealth in the lions back,
All wealth in the lions back ends up in the lions mouth...
I dont know when,where and how,
But i know one day,with my hopes,
My dreams will become reality,
Becouse i know i am not alone,and i will never give up on my dreams...
Becouse in every defeat,there should always be a plan B...
Never give up,
Your dream awaits you...

the end