

A Potion of Sanity
S. A. Marshal

Brew a potion
in cauldron of sanity,
A mixture of caring love
churned with honesty,
Add a pound of brotherhood
and dollops of unity
to garnish with loyalty
worthy life in community

This potion is needed
at this gully time
When men do deeds
with hearts of grime.
No love, not beloved
in life of women.
Deceitful, hateful
Humanity driven.

Destroys life
in a gleeful race
Buys harm
in exchange of grace
a lust to kill
Literal furnace
in collateral mill

In an era
of pleasure for pain
Too much loss
and nothing to gain
All what’s left
is a world of vengeance
To start another
turmoil in dungeons

Brew a potion
in a cauldron of sanity
And add to the potion
pardon in amnesty
A caravan of true love
for the torment of despise
A call for togetherness
For mankind to highly rise

An ounce of blessing
stir for certainty
A word of wisdom
from saint for serenity
As the potion is made
a light will be seen
Floating on its surface
glow of satiny sheen.
© S. A. Marshal