

The Last Drop

Everything seems uncertain
No vision to our blindness
We give smiles to our sheen pasts
Our memories singing us to sleep
Dancing to heartbeats of a dying heart
Seems so sad in the inner tempos
The rythms holds a sad tune
Tranquility lost and dissolved to the film
Palms raised in front to get the last drop
The drop of love held in drying wells
Situations ossified moments
No cheers to the depressed inner us
Everything is changed to a ghostly direction
The ghosts surging to get the best of things
Darkness so heavy to cover the only moon
Our sun burnt itself to ashes
No source of light to our broken paths
Deep pits awaiting our heavy fall
No willingness to take a step
With this torn lives bruised with reality
The last drop of love is what we deserve
Maybe the last drop of rain might come
washing the drops of tears to the last

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