

Beautiful Goodbye!! Part 3
A pale, cold face
sleeping with peace
upon the soft and
warm bed prepared
by us; under the coffin.
I hope you are sleeping
in peace with a heart
full of pure love. Tears
falling out of my eyes
yet I tried to smile
for the sake of his love.
Smiling, and thanking
him for the eternal
love and unconditional
care, the support he gave
to me till this moment.
After reading the poetry
of that hidden diary
all I can say was thank
you for everything
my dear Father.

Once you say goodbye
with heavy heart and
now today I am
saying goodbye to you.
What a fate; what a
turn of time.

Everyone joined and
says some sweet
words for my dear
father and placed
roses, upon his coffin.
He was a hero with
bright and sharp
eyes full of
dreams. Dream of
happy and peaceful
life. And he lived
it fully. A star
shoots and shines
in the sky and
we know it's
him looking
at us through
the sky.

We gave him a
sweet and beautiful
goodbye and
smiling with teary

Pooja Gaur
© pooja gaur