

Just some words.
It never occurred to me that someone would have to die just so another could survive. It's a thing you hear in movies or even see in them, but it never felt real. That's why they say seeing is believing and when I saw it happening I understood. How could I not understand when it was happening to me and the person I love.

I have tasted blood and even smelled its rust-like aroma as my body fell to the ground. When I couldn't bend my body and every bone went stiff, I crawled across the ground. The times my body could stand after falling were the times I wanted more. To feel the familiar sting again as it moves like an echo across my skin when I can feel the vibration in each bone. Those are times I feel the strongest because my courage to stand even after tasting blood and falling surpassed the pain. No one is resilient to pain and some can hide it well but I turned it into my courage.

The person you saw when we met, when you couldn't stop staring my way. The person you knew I was when we would dance under the stars without a care about getting sick from the rain. The person who gave up sleep to take care of you when you had a bad cold, the person you know will always sacrifice for you. That is still me but forgive me if my sacrifice for you is more than you can handle. People will call it selfish but the to me it's the perfect ending for a person I see as beautiful.

So if I'm drowning out at sea while pushing you to shore I hope you won't look back for long. Because love is often full of sacrifice and this was my sacrifice for you. You may remember me now as a terrible person but one day I hope you understand, why I let go before you did.
© Seekerxxlight