

graceless nights
Neon blurs, my soul's escape
Laughter mingled with despair
Echoes of a life on hold
Glittered tears in plastic cups
The DJ spins a lie we love,
And in this chaos, I find peace.

Bodies sway in fractured harmony
Shadows dance where light won't reach
Every beat a heartbeat lost
Yet found in rhythm's fleeting grasp
Confetti falls, a masquerade
Of joy that masks the hollow ache.

We scream the songs of broken dreams
Hands up high, a desperate grasp
To touch the stars we’ll never hold
In this euphoria, we're free
For sorrow wears a party dress
And in the night, we’re all alone.

Glorious decay, our nightly creed
Inebriated truths we speak
In crowded rooms, we’re isolated
A carnival of lonely souls
Each smile a crack in porcelain
Each laugh a bridge to nowhere.

Strobe lights flash like memories
Of better days that never came
We chase the dawn, evade the pain
In twilight's grip, we’re intertwined
Our hearts in sync with fleeting beats
Yet tethered to the morning's grief.
© jMaj161914