

The cycle of life
*The Cycle Of Life*

Life an unpredictable adventure,
Pilled with irrational conclusions without venture,

A world that erupt judgements,
Leaving no peace but toments,
As shower of infinite comments parade,

A world where reality based on external views,
Filled with kiedoscope of views that steal attention
for surveys,

A world where path seems green but grey inside,
Filled with what not seems to be,
A life where good things showers a saga bag of questions,

A world where survey barelize untold to be known,
Leaving boasts and neglacters at speechless,

A world where trusting sums doubts,
Living in fear according to experienced,
A world where rumours builds full broadcast without founder,

A world that wreck goodness as bad parade longer,
Even ripes and colourful may appear sweet and harmless,
But striding may review how poisonous,

A world where trusted ones hold and carry evil hearts,
Pretenders of mission
Spoiling minds with sweet for nothing,

A life that matters to survey external straight to internal😇
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