

As I walk passed
Through every path
I fear
That those monstrous shadows
Might come on my way
Out of the blue.

I speak through words
I am the voice of that young girl
Who's tongue was cut
By the monsters
Who raped her, stabbed her
She was screaming for mercy
But they shut her up.

Her body was burnt
Without her family's consent
Her life is like a lie
For those monsters and creep
As for them
She was just a cake
And they took every piece..

I have lost hope
As these candles
Awaits for the other cases
Because these monsters
Are still roaming in large masses.

I am not gonna say
That all men are bad
Because a man can never do
What those sinners did.
These are done by the monsters
Who are hidden among us
Like an imposter
Waiting for the right time
To have a taste
Of every part.
Shamelessly scratching
Every skin as they get pleasure
When the women screams.

It's true that
Not all men are bad,
But it's also not a lie
That every female is unsafe.
I chose to use female
Because from a toddler to
A teenage girl to an adult and
To an old
We have heard the news
That each one of them
Have been raped before.

SKIRT asked those monsters
Why are you staring at me
That monster replied
'Wear a SAREE
We'll stare again
Or wear a BURKA
But we'll stare again.
If we didn't showed mercy
On that diapered toddler
Then how can you think
That we are gonna let you go
In anyway.

And that skirted girl
Was raped that night
And those monsters
Treated her like a feast
And when nothing was left
They left her dying.

People proposed a candle march
The other day
And then after two days
Everyone went silent again.

© shreyatsssmiwright30


picture credit:- #instagram