

In the rearview mirror, shadows softly shift,
Love’s gentle whispers, now a rift.
While I drive this endless road alone,
You betray me in the backseat, my heart turns to stone.

We once shared dreams beneath the starlit sky,
Now your laughter, with another, makes me cry.
Every mile a reminder of trust torn apart,
Each turn a twist of the knife in my heart.

You sit behind, tangled in deceit,
In the silence of the night, I hear your heartbeat.
A melody once sweet, now bitter and cold,
As I navigate this journey, love’s story untold.

Your eyes, once filled with promises bright,
Now reflect the darkness of betrayal’s night.
The open road, a testament to our fall,
Love’s gentle whispers replaced by a cruel call.

I grip the wheel, tears blurring my sight,
Each passing mile a testament to this fight.
In the rearview, the ghosts of what we were,
A love story twisted, now just a blur.

The road stretches onward, an unending track,
But the weight of your betrayal pulls me back.
In the silence of the car, a heart’s mournful tune,
Driving away from love, under a pale, weeping moon.

Tears fall like rain, my vision fades to grey,
Wishing for a time when love didn’t betray.
In the rearview mirror, I see you with him,
A reflection of heartache, my world growing dim.

I drive on, leaving memories behind,
But the scars of your betrayal, forever in my mind.
In this journey of sorrow, where love once did reside,
I’m left with the pain, and the tears I cannot hide.
© Dean_2062