

Things, We Take for Granted
Sometimes, it’s the small snippets, intricate details, miniature chapters, and small talk, that we often gain the most about a person.
Like the way they think, their sense of humor, the way they tell a joke, the things that make them smile, the way they love others.
Sometimes, it’s the newness, the things they introduce us to, and essential things that they remind us of.
Somtimes, it’s the way they tell stories, and create memories.
More importantly, the way they make us feel, when they’re present, their presence, that either comforts, enrages, or excites us. Sometimes, it’s the little things that make them beautiful, like when they greet us with a forehead kiss, the fist pump, and the shaking of our hands.
Sommetimes, it’s the way they make eye contact when responding to ideas or the way they light up when listening.
Maybe, it’s the way they wait on us, while waiting for nothing.
Maybe, it’s their time, their unselfish spirit, and burst of energy.
Sometimes, it’s the way they always show up, without expectation. #love #death #inspiration #beingpresent

© jusliv_