

The feeling is so surreal,
As the pain tingling so real,
The pain is so obvious,
As I wish it to be oblivious,
It was never my choice,
As everyone claim it was my voice,

I dreamt of being a swimmer,
As I ended up a drawner,
I never planned to be a failer,
As now a well-known trailer,
My heart yearns for a lead,
As I don't own and operate or plead,

In front a doll that match humanity,
As my interfere, a threat to their unity,
A poor loner they call,
As it always invite my tears to fall,

Deep down,I can't reprimand I carry no power,
As I bless my sorrows in the shower,
From afar I don't point,
As I offer compliments inside to avoid disjoint,

At night times,l pounder a whole lot,
As my nights seems long as days shot
At day I hid through "hey's" "hi's"
As deep down a heavy shoulders heart bench,

To speak up ,an impossible mission,
As it captures a bunch of locks appears rising tension,
A tension that locks my vowels

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