I'm Aspiring and Changing Me
Aspire to be everything you dream of
Aspire to do what you want
Aspire to be honest with yourself
Aspire to look in that mirror daily
Because you deserve it all
Because nobody should tell you what you're doing right
Because you only owe yourself that explanation
Because you deserve to affirm everything good in you
I know how hard it can be
I know we don't always see things the same
I know…
I really just know…
Because I've been there
Because I still get that way sometimes
Because I know what it's like
Because I'm still fighting it
But it's not a losing war
It's about all of the battles
Because tiny battles win the largest wars
Aspire to do what you want
Aspire to be honest with yourself
Aspire to look in that mirror daily
Because you deserve it all
Because nobody should tell you what you're doing right
Because you only owe yourself that explanation
Because you deserve to affirm everything good in you
I know how hard it can be
I know we don't always see things the same
I know…
I really just know…
Because I've been there
Because I still get that way sometimes
Because I know what it's like
Because I'm still fighting it
But it's not a losing war
It's about all of the battles
Because tiny battles win the largest wars