

She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed...
She was a nobody
Her presence was never felt
She always had tears in her eyes
She gave up on life
Her world was ruled by darkness
Emptiness wasn't a new thing to her
She distanced herself from everyone
She thought shutting everyone would heal her
But the scar she was left with is an eternal one
She became depressed
Insomnia took over her
A crown made of thorn was made for her
She never noticed it
Until it started leaving more scars
Jeopardizing her life
Therapy session was no good
Question thrown to her made her feel guilty
"Have a little faith she said"
"Don't think about it she said"
"Pretend it never happened she said"
Her heart bleeds and aches
Making it look like she was insane
But no she wasn't
She was only trying to fit in
Not because she's not worth it
But because her voice was never heard
To her she is from the underworld
Then she turned suicidal
Longing for the only thing that could quench her thirst "death"
Fortunately for her she wasn't alone
He has been stalking her
Not because she's in pain
But because he doesn't want her to hurt herself the more
Her presence brings joy to him
He saw the pain and hurt in her eyes
But never gave up on her
He saw something different in her
Something extraordinary,
He never knew the right words to use
He wanted more than just been her stalker
She never wanted anyone in her life
Not even the male folks
For she saw them
As the darkness in the midst of light
He understood but never gave up
She tried to let him in
But her past still has an effect on her
She was hunted by it
And trust wasn't part of her agenda
All she wanted was silence but the voice
Echoes loud for her to hear
The whispers was a nonstop mix
He thought for a way to bring her closer
And lead her to the path of happiness
Although he knew she was scared
He waited for her to keep calm
Which she eventually did
Her decision wasn't hers
After all she has no pride left
What could be worst than that?
Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea after all
He did not only lead her through the path of happiness
But also to the world of peace and unconditional  love
From that moment
She has always been fulfilled
Even though the scar was still there
She knew only he accepted her that way
Who cares what the world says
She is happy
And its all that matters

© Quin Ary Mark