

Out of love
It's one of the many other worst pains you can ever feel you start to notice things that you probably haven't noticed before about the person who's falling out of love with you.
You start to question if everything that was ever said was really the truth or was it all just lies.
When someone falls out of love with you it's somewhat easy to tell even if the person still tells you that he or she still loves you.
That person is hardly ever home cause anytime their home they start to feel like their in jail they think of home as 'hell'
So they'd rather be out and about.
The worst feeling of all is when their love is dying or has died but your love is still strong. When someone is falling out of love with you it crushes your soul.
No matter how much they don't love you and how much you love them you just don't know how to let go or you just don't want too.
Let me be the first to say that when someone is falling out of love with you it's sure going to make heartache and your mind break.

© PoeticAngel