

The Heart of the Matter

I am starting to believe that the invention of robotic beings was a smart thing. To make a choice based on facts rather than feelings would save a lot of people from grieving, If no meant no, no questions asked there would be fewer regrets and more success.
Humanity deserves a chance to rise up out of the ash, but when depravity is infused into weak-minded people disobedience and self-deprivation are what rule the mob even unto treason.
Treason against oneself happens way before a person turns against someone else. We are so into the freedom of speech we set aside what those words really mean, and what the Constitution of the United States was supposed to bring.
"We the People..." Was designed with Posterity in mind, Our future and that of our children's children should have been secure, and now this virus runs wild killing everyone it sets eyes on like a wildfire, and "We the people take no heed to the people we voted into office who gives us the way to end this massacre that takes out entire generations by the handful.
Those that we put in office to Promote General Welfare and Insure Tranquility have repeated over and over how important masks, gloves, and distancing should be. I'm not sure if anyone is listening since daily the numbers rise, as do the mourners who cry.
It blows my mind how easy it was to incite a riot to storm the U.S. capitol, what the building stands for with or without people is 50% why people were upset on 9/11 when the Twin Towers fell.
So offended by outsiders defiling our landmarks, our society, our way of life. We don't think twice about blowing them out of the sky.
Please tell me how it was ok for "We the People" to terrorize our Government and defile our own land, and have the audacity to get upset when arrested by the U.S. Army.
I'll leave you with this to ponder on and ask that you combine both heart and mind and repeat these words after me
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
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