

A Surprise Forgotten
In the warmth of summer's end, a plan was made,
A surprise for a friend, in secret shades.
But morning came, and with it, a forgetful haze,
A missed call, a moment lost, in the daybreak's blaze.

Anger flared from a stranger's text, swift and hot,
Yet destiny laughed, and tied our knot.
In grief's shadow, at a kin's hearth, we stood side by side,
Where whispers of fate began to chide.

They said, "Seek one, you'll find the other," a teasing jest,
In shared tasks and laughter, our bond was blessed.
Days turned to months, in rhythm we moved,
In life's deep talks, in grooves we grooved.

A name once given in playful banter, now set aside,
For hearts in secret, began to confide.
In the dance of courtship, under friends' watchful eyes,
A year spun by, under changing skies.

But then came the ghosting, a retreat into night,
A silence where once was a heart's delight.
A quarrel ensued, pride's bitter cost,
A friendship, a closeness, seemingly lost.

Winter's end brought a yearning, a need to mend,
A plan with a friend, for a heart to tend.
A surprise reunion, a tremble, a fear,
A ride too fast, a whispered plea to hear.

"May I hold you?" asked amidst the rush,
A hug, a hope, in the evening's hush.
A thank you sent, a door left ajar,
For a story not ended, but traveling far.
© Lily Grace