

Talent can take you far, but preparation can take you further.
Preparation and talent hand in hand,
A partnership that's truly grand.
Enhancing skills and igniting fire,
Together they take you higher.

In the realm of success, they dance,
A perfect, harmonious romance.
One fuels the other, like day and night,
Guiding your path, shining so bright.

Preparation paves the way, you see,
Unlocks the doors to what could be.
Talent's the spark, the guiding star,
Together, they'll take you far.

So nurture both, don't hesitate,
In this journey, they're your fate.
With preparation and talents' might,
You'll reach those heights, taking flight.

It's also nice to listen to the sound of the waves every spring,
Especially when our hearts are drenched with stings,
Strange as it can be when you cling,
Now I know why you flap your wings,
© Srinivas Sir