

Etch not unto her pliant flesh,

Cruel marks of your monstrous desire,

She bears your atrocities,

With silent rage,

Waiting to unleash her wrath,

Her ears drink your entitled scoff,

As you pummel into her,

her eyes sting as she unleashes tears,

your punch to her bold dare,

you carve paintings of woe into her lair,

stirring unrest at the hem of her heart walls,

a slate so clean now broken by you,

jagged and cracked beyond your mute,

your roars put her through silent deaths,

her heart wracking with no mirth,

your insults form fiery daggers,

impaling her with injuries of a yonder,

your sneaky hands weave tapestries of disgust and pain,

leaving her to the silence when you've had your gain,

you pull her hair with wretched talons,

screaming obscenities in numerous gallons,

your laughs sends shudders,

shaking her with every dark stunner,

your eyes cast a wild fire to be,

embedding shards in her being,

your ears catch on her daily cries,

basking in the delight in a sick sweet high,

your smile widens with perfect teeth,

eating her till her conscious us limp,

your hearts beats in a crazy dance,

strung on its wall, a forbidden prance,

their home is a chaotic quiet,

even in daylight a deathly night,

their walls padded away with perforated tiles,

shielded by soundproof rugs,

the tiles painted a brilliant red,

masking the streaks of jarring bloody red,

the windows are wilted and shadowed,

hiding the things that behold underneath,

the tv screen and other riches play stand strong,

filling outsiders with an unknown normalcy,

the fan blows a way the heat with metal blades,

but leaves the family in an eternal chill,

the kitchen filled with food,

that only the master can eat with spoon,

the bedroom is played with a scary foundation,

unseen ink jotting the numerous predations,

the basement is an unspoken testament of hurt,

weapons filled from its birth,

the children hide in beds hollow,

plagued by fear as their births follow,

the shadowy trees of life sicken,

their forest loosing it's intial beacon,

that's the home they live,

an abusive take they see.