

I thought you loved me.
I thought I would finally be completed.
I thought I found my perfect half.

But I was wrong.
I left myself for you.
I forsaked my beloved family for you.
I left my passions.
I left my dreams.

You told me to take a step closer to you.
You told me to come in to your world.
I found out that, there is actually a world between us not just a step.

But I can't bear it any more.
What have you given up for me?
What in convince decisions have you taken for my sake?

Isn't this love meant to be between two persons?
Feels like am the only one in it,
My sacrifices don't count to you.

Seems like am just a fool to you.
This feeling isn't what I thought Love would feel like.
I no longer feel the butterflies in my stomach.
The longings I don't feel any more.

I'm giving up on it.
I would rather be myself than lose myself.
Seem like i'm not your Cinderella.
i'm giving you back your glass shoe.

This isn't LOVE.
© God'sgift