

Not proud
Sometimes I wonder what it would be if I wasn't born, if I didn't have kids. I hate being a mother I don't have that joy of being a mother, I don't feel proud or accomplished. I'm not happy being a daughter I've never felt that parental love from my parents, I'm not proud to be anyone sister because I've never felt love by my sister's, only discrimination, I'm judge everyday. I don't love me I don't know how to love myself with all this pain I'm feeling of resentment . You say your a mother but you scarred your child with your disappointment, you bring them down because they didn't turn out successful like you wanted, you don't appreciate there love.
How can they heal? when the blows keep coming and the wounds don't heal. How can they grow? when they never blossom. How can they bare fruit? when they've never been watered. How can they love! When they've never been loved. I'm not proud to be a parent because I don't know how to be one because I fall apart; I break down and cry, I get frustrated and want to give, I have too many wounds that needs healing. I'm not proud of how I feel.
© Keryiann Mcneil