

I am Her
The day I got excited about being gifted socks
I immediately felt a sense of grief
Not because I didn’t like the socks
But because I used to not like the socks
I never knew I was in my childhood until I was Out of it
I realized just how long it’d been since I stuck my hands in mud or laid in fresh spring grass
The older I got, I was told
“don’t wear that”
“don’t say that”
“sit up straight”
“wipe your face”
The benefits afforded to that of a learning child were slowly revoked from me because I was older
But as an adult, I still find myself learning, grasping
Trying to walk in a world that’s determined to keep you running
I am nothing if I am not still that child who climbed orange trees and sat in the branches eating the fruit with my sticky hands
She may be small but she is me
And I am her

© NorMel

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