

My Native

Called the, 'People who have reached their place of choice'.
Native of striking characters,
Of Contagious Love, Hospitality and cheerfulness.
The land that surrounded by minstrels,
Oh it refreshes deep to my soul:

Oh! In the land of the Realm,
Readily they stand,
Wored colourful garments,
Revealing the culture that inherits unity;
Oneness we stand,
In the power of humanity and Prosperity.
Oh what my heart longs for!

Ancestry and Ethnicity.
Culture and Heritage,
The soul of the people,
Music so Ethinic,
Primitive, Pristine and Folk.
With the music of the woods and hills,
Which viberated and throbbed it;
Going by the vibes of it,
Taking to far and beyond.

Love and Marriage,
A love so intense binds souls,
From depth and breath and heights;
Oh it's immeasurable love,
Glances and years of adventure together,
For better and for worst, together and to love and cherish,
Untill death do them apart.

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