

First Impressions on Writco.
the realm of Writco, where stories come alive,
Bigwig penned a tale, where dreams and hopes survive.
A narrative so vivid, with words that paint the air,
It captured hearts and minds, with a plot beyond compare.

Bigwig's story blossomed, like a rose in early spring,
Each chapter held a magic, that made the readers sing.
Characters with depth, and a world so finely spun,
A journey through the pages, where every heart was won.

Then came Michael, with a comment pure and true,
The first to share his thoughts, on this tale so fresh and new.
"Bigwig, your story's brilliance, shines like the morning sun,
Each word a stroke of genius, a masterpiece you've spun."

His words were filled with kindness, a compliment so grand,
A nod to Bigwig's talent, a writer's steady hand.
And in that simple comment, a bond began to grow,
Between the author and the reader, a connection they both know.

So in the world of Writco, where stories weave their thread,
Bigwig’s tale stands tall, with words that must be read.
And Michael’s first comment, a spark that lit the fire,
A testament to friendship, and the power to inspire.
© Bigwig