

My internal dialogue
"You're crazy."
"You're useless."
"You're pathetic."

The voices
Are my inner dialogue,
Although it feels odd to accept that.

"You're weak."
"You're stupid."
"You're annoying."

Deep down I disagree with them.
I refuse to believe anything they say,
But sometimes I go along with it.

"You're helpless."
"You're hopeless."
"You're worthless."

I don't want those voices
(Which are a part of me)
To become my identity.

"You're dumb."
"You're insane."
"You're unlovable."

They insult me -
Surely this voice isn't mine
The tone is cruel.

I want to be disconnected
From these voices.
My own mind hurts me

I know the voices are mine.
I want them to be separate.
I know they are illogical.

The real me
They are wrong about me.

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