The word LOVE is a bit difficult for me. it's easy to say but hard to give especially when you ain't sure of who you are giving it to. you don't know if the person is worth it or not.
Am a loving person but scared of showing it . when I do show it, am not getting thesame energy back the way am giving it.
I love you
I miss you
You are my all
These are words you say everyday to people you care for or people you really want to always see but the difference is clear when you don't actually feel thesame way inside than outside.
I prefer actions than words because anybody can say anything but don't mean it.
that is why as a human, know what you are.
know your reason being around dt person or why you want to be with that person.
90% of love today is been destroyed or taken without any sign of breaking because there was nothing in the beginning to start with.
You are claiming a territory that has never been yours. you are seeing red light or a sign but you tell yourself it's greenlight.
Forcing what it's not there, playing or tricking or fucking with people's mind isn't worth it because what ever you sow , u reap.
© Angel Chelsea Uboyo
Am a loving person but scared of showing it . when I do show it, am not getting thesame energy back the way am giving it.
I love you
I miss you
You are my all
These are words you say everyday to people you care for or people you really want to always see but the difference is clear when you don't actually feel thesame way inside than outside.
I prefer actions than words because anybody can say anything but don't mean it.
that is why as a human, know what you are.
know your reason being around dt person or why you want to be with that person.
90% of love today is been destroyed or taken without any sign of breaking because there was nothing in the beginning to start with.
You are claiming a territory that has never been yours. you are seeing red light or a sign but you tell yourself it's greenlight.
Forcing what it's not there, playing or tricking or fucking with people's mind isn't worth it because what ever you sow , u reap.
© Angel Chelsea Uboyo