

The Golden Chest
In the woods, on a dark night,
A little girl named 'Hope' got lost.
She didn't return for long,
She was now forgotten by most.

Another girl named "Faith",
Went to the same forest,
She was tired of walking,
But soon she found a chest.

The chest was brown, pale and broken,
Locked away for too long.
Faith opened it,
And soon realized what went wrong.

"Hope" was trapped in it,
Trapped in the old broken cage,
But Hope wasn't alone,
There was another girl named "Rage".

Rage was dangerous,
with dark red eyes.
Though they were scared,
But Faith was wise!

Faith and Hope taught Rage a lesson,
Showed her, her good side.
Rage was now renamed as "Love",
And now no one needed to hide.

Faith, Hope and Love are now bestfriends,
Living in the same forest,
It is now lively and beautiful,
And it was now a Golden chest.

No one can pull the three apart,
Yes my friend,
That was the story,
Of a once broken heart!

- -Jigyasa