

I have not come to ask for anyone’s blood today
I have not come to ask for anyone's blood today

Nirmalendu guna

Like everyone present, I am very fond of roses, while crossing the race course, one of those roses told me yesterday that I should speak about Sheikh Mujib in a poem.

I have come to speak to him.

A bloody brick falling from Shaheed Minar told me yesterday that I should speak about Sheikh Mujib in poetry. I have come to speak to him.

Like everyone present, I also love the Palash flower very much, a newly blooming Palash told me yesterday that I should talk about Sheikh Mujib in poetry. I have come to speak to him.

The swirling water fountain on Shahbagh Avenue screamed at me to speak of Sheikh Mujib in poetry. I have come to speak to him.

Like everyone else, I have a bias towards dreams, I have love. A bold dream seen last night told me yesterday, I should speak about Sheikh Mujib in poetry. I have come to speak to him.

Let the sorrowful people gathered at the root of this spring witness, those secret lairs of the unprepared soul in the dry part of the unsprung blacktop.

Let the ears hear,

Let this black cuckoo of the coming evening know, touching the holy ground under my feet, I have spoken of that rose today, today I have spoken of that palash, today I have spoken of that dream. I didn't come to ask for anyone's blood today.

I came to talk about my love.

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