

Will you set me a mouse trap
if I walk into your room on my four legs,
Or will you mount a cannon net if you see my wings flap?
What kinda creepy creature would you call me?
But of all people I could choose to be
I choose the right person, me!
© The dhramatikpen

Engraving my name on a gold plate,
With fountain pen,
I'm who I am,
Even though life throws pepper,
I'll make stew out of it.
I'm a legend or a legend,
And I'll surely lay an unmarked legacy.
- Xertified_Larry

I know he is ready to write his wrongs right,
By using this moment as motivation to seize the opportunities ahead,
It's a message of hope, a tale of growth,
A message of appreciation,
Forget your past, and paint your future in gold
Made myself unique,
You definitely won the heart of many,
See you at the top Dear Mentor, Great Leader, Amiable Rep.
- Integer

I am writing my name on the bank of greatness Sea,
And till it's sparkling clean,
I'm toiling,
Slowly, I'm losing my life to regain it,
Searching for glory and losing beautiful stories,
It's a two way process,
I'm either a legend or A legend.
- The unmasked

There is a you that would be found in this legendary tale,
A perfectly prepared portioned partition of the good, bad, and the ugly you,
It’s high time we opened our arms wide to embrace our imperfections over ale,
A legend you are; you are a beau.
- Thespotia

So On the sand of time
and the hallmark of life,
The claw of my kindness
and the purest touch of my dark being;
is a legacy that named me...
A legend.
- Yemi LAWAL


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