

You left Anyways...
The walls of my heart painted a potrait of you,
potrait of my love for you..
Each and every heartbeat singing the melodies of you.
Echoes of what "Can be" warming up the Idea of you staying.

But, You left anyways...
Unprovoked...willingly so, You left...
My tears bathing me, washing off the sunshine thoughts of "What Can be's" and "What will be's"
leaving me with shambles of the "what could've beens?", and shattered mirrors of hope..
How Could you??
But, You left Anyways...
Not looking back at what you have broken
The potrait of Us you have destroyed, the pieces of "what used to be" drowning me
My peace dismantled, my core shaken

But you ... left anyways..
You were never mine to keep, I was never Yours to embrace...
we started the fire we couldn't sit on,
And finally...

Hmmn.. You left Anyways.

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