

Harmony of Hope
In shadows deep, where darkness weaves,
Hope emerges, like autumn leaves.
A gentle whisper, a guiding light,
In the darkest hour, shines so bright.

Through trials heavy, burdensome weight,
Hope dances on, defying fate.
A beacon strong, in the endless night,
Igniting dreams, taking flight.

With each sunrise, a promise renewed,
Hope's gentle touch, eternally pursued.
A silent prayer, a resilient scope,
In the heart's garden, blossoms hope.

Hope, the melody in life's sweet song,
Keeps the spirit resilient, strong.
In the symphony of struggle and strife,
Hope orchestrates the rhythm of life.
© nishitgangwar
#poem #poems #poet #poetrycommunity #WritcoPoemChallenge #challenge #hope #selflove #writco #writer