

A New Day
Oh, fleeting moment! How swiftly dost thou pass,
As morning's light doth paint the sky in hues of gold.
With each dawn, a new adventure doth unfold,
Where nature's beauty shines, as if through crystal glass.

The gentle zephyrs whisper secrets in my ear,
Of distant lands and tales of ancient lore.
I roam the hills and valleys, free and clear,
Where dreams take flight and spirits dare to soar.

Yet, amidst the splendor, a thought doth linger,
That time relentless marches on its course.
So seize the day, embrace its fleeting finger,
And let thy spirit roam with fearless force.

For life's true essence lies not in mere repose,
But in the journey through the labyrinthine maze.
With every step, a new discovery grows,
As we unravel life's enigma, in its myriad ways.

Thus, let us cherish each awakening morn,
With hearts aflame and spirits bright.
For in the symphony of dawn reborn,
We find our strength, our purpose, our delight.

And so, with gratitude, I greet the day anew,
Embracing all it offers, with a soul so true.

© Mikhail