

not okay
Can someone please explain to me how I am supposed to remain sane when everyone believes I am okay I'm the rock, I'm the one they lean on, the strong one but what happens when my mind takes over and my thoughts bring me to a surrender what am I suppose to do? There's no one for me to go to, when every one claims they are there but everytime I'm falling and shattering no one is around it's only me and this ground I lay on locked in my head wishing I was dead wondering if it would really matter had I taken this blade from my scalp to my throat, I mean...no one would know right? No one would care right? I'm tired of long nights crying in the shower locked in the cell of my own mind, I'm so exhausted I've lost track of time. The days seem to have gotten longer. You ever notice no one ever askes "are you okay" until you depart from their needs? That hurts, hell everything hurts when you come to a realization of your surroundings and then you become the bad guy. Yeah, I'm not okay but I guess I'll have to be until someone can tell me how I am supposed to remain sane when everyone believes I am

© It's Odessa