

The Haunted past!
A walk down the memory lane,
A longing to see how the past looked like!
Was it as awful as a haunted house or if it still looked like beautiful desolated island?

A free fall!I inhaled in strength!
With eyes closed tightly,I surrendered myself to all those visuals.

It was dark and cold,no place for sunshine!
With unsteady legs, underneath an uneasy breeze,
Yet soaking up all that could no more please.
Broken promises like those broken doors,
Broken trust like those broken windows.
Beneath the sound of the defeaning heartbreaks,
I could by now barely hear my own,
The wind that swept by the trees whispered quietly,- "Hey,run!!This place isn't for you."
The coldness of the place seized my limbs,
Feeling heavy and immobile!
The dead leaves tried to touch my feet,I startled!
My breath panting louder and even louder,
I was then offered a seat!
I geared up all my strength and started to run,

Gut-wrenching,heart pounding, adrenaline coursed through my veins,
I pumped in fresh air,
exhale followed!
Opening my tightly shut eyes,I could
now see the sunshine,
Realizing if we could have the
power of selective amnesia,
The feelings and the houses abandoned should be left to gather dust and rust,
For scars are better closed,than open!
©my_soulpoetry | Nicky