

I Miss Thee, O', Come Back?
“I scour the earth in hopes of discovering thee,
For thou wast a reflection of who I am.
I continue to find thy marks; thou wast a part of me.
Forests through I ran, and miles of ocean I swam.
Our separation is a broken mirror,
The parts broken twain are ne’er clearer”

Their mate responds:
“Sadly, but this is the main truth:
We both were two jalopies with different needs,
That to split in the highway was best, forsooth.
And so further in our lives we must proceed.
‘Twas a great time with thee, but ev’ry road hath its end,
And so this lett’r of memory of our time to thee I shall send.

They reply:
“Thou knowest not my pain,
For I am yon ship without sails,
O’, to thee, were our love and kisses vain?
Now, with no ‘thee,’ I am a train without rails.
About if thou truly lov’st me I have many qualms,
That to seek an answer to thee I make these psalms.”

Their mate answers:
“O’, thy words are too reproachful,
Remember I our love: thy words of fire,
Mayhaps to cease my words unreproachful
Is what thou wantest? Beware, dame, I’m an opprobrious sire.
Thou bringest no jolly; thou wast just my folly.
Wert thou not with me, I would have avoided our quarrels brawly.”

They reply: