

The holy song of monsoon
From a distance,
the incessant chant of monsoon from south west,
sounds like an old witch practising her craft,
A priest singing the verses of purans,
And praising its beauty and chaos.

The lightning in the sky
Seems like fireflies burning their torch.
The thundering of clouds
Feels like a lion roaring in the jungle,
And crafting the melody of its song.

Oh monsoon, where you have originated from?
The top of Himalayas
Or from the depth of Kanya Kumari?
Who have blessed you with this beauty?
The god of rain, Lord Indra
Or the goddess of water, Devi Ganga?

You are the giver of life
Who gives life to newly sown seeds.
You are the sweet smile,
Of those blossoms that blooms
With your single feel.
You are the song of love,
That every couple loves to sing.

Oh monsoon,
You are not just a time of rain and storm.
But the incessant chant of every soul
Who wishes for your blessings, for so long.
You are that grace of God,
Which fills life with new hope
And once again enlightens this globe,
Hence without you,
the cycle of the nature is incomplete and alone.

© Riya gupta